I have been mulling this issue for a few days and wondering why this type
of statement has a negative impact on me.
At 15:00 28/01/98 -0500, Ben Compton wrote:
>Why is there is a disparity between the rich and the poor? The basic
>elements are the quality and power of their ideas, their competence, the
>passion with which they work. There are very powerful restraining forces
>that keep people tied to their poverty: Religion, social theory,
>government interference, etc. These factors often keep the choices that
>could save us hidden from our view. It takes a lot of guts to break free
>from the tyranny others have over our mind.
Denis's statement
The current state of my mulling.
Empires come and go and the ideas or "truths" of that empire dominate the
thinking of the empire and its servants.
Are we currently living in the era of the United States Empire and
therefore experiencing it's beliefs, culture, solutions etc. as thr truth.
So these ideas eg competition are nothing other than the cultural norms of
the prevailing power..
Does competition in fact work ??
Is it a cultural myth within the United States Empire that it does.?
Is the maintenance of the myth such that people who wish to make good
within the empire will do everything within their power to make it work. ?
If the empire does exist, are concepts, such as learning organizations,
etc., "real" or are they also part of the cultural myth of the dominant
power. ?
Is this (concepts like learning organizations) the "good" empire fighting
the "evil" empire. ?
Will any of these ideas have any credilbility after the United States
empire has crumbled and a new one taken it's place.?
--Denis Cowan <cowandp@iccu6.ipswich.gil.com.au>
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