I am an Associate Professor of Counseling at Indiana State University
(USA), where I teach about student affairs in higher education. Our
primary driving idea is to provide learning out-of-class to students as an
adjunct to in-class learning. The secondary driving idea is to have the
university be responsive to the ever-changing environment, and operate in
such a way as to continually enhance the learning of students, faculty and
staff. However, getting to that point is not all that easy.
I am currently working on drawing parallels between student learning and
learning organizations for my teaching, and for a paper. I get to draw on
my work on evaluation (programs, organizations, teaching and learning),
individual assessment (personality, developmental level, etc.) and org
I look forward to being a member of this list, and hope to have a good
question posted in a few days. I am trying to get together a brief
semantic differential instrument (10-15 items) which will quickly
highlight the differences between LOs and Non-LOs and I look forward to
getting expert help.
Will Barratt
Will Barratt
The Professor as information broker!
Indiana State University, Department of Counseling
--"Will Barratt" <egbarra@BEFAC.INDSTATE.EDU>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>