Employee Ranking Systems LO16805

Roxanne Abbas (rabbas@comp-web.com)
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:50:25 -0600

Replying to LO16722 --

Larry Erdman asked for suggestions related to his company's project to
design a new performance appraisal system.

One of the main reasons that so many performance appraisal systems are
problematic is that we try to use them for too many purposes. The most
important task of the design committee is to clarify and narrowly define
the purpose of the new system. Tying the system to pay increases and
trying to use it as justification for terminations will greatly weaken its
usefulness for performance development. Please encourage the committee to
view Peter Scholtes' video titled The Case Against Performance Appraisal.
See Scholtes' web site, http://www.pscholtes.com. We also have had many
good discussions on this topic on the Comp-Web, http://www.comp-web.com.
The archives include a min-class taught by Dr. Gary McLean with questions
and discussion among human resource practioners.

Best regards,


Roxanne Abbas Rabbas@comp-web.com http://www.comp-web.com

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