Ideal People Management Plan LO16841

Christian Giroux (
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 10:55:18 -0500

Replying to LO16767 --

[Host's Note: Christian is resending his msg of Feb 2; for some reason it
did not reach me for distribution. If your msg appears not to go through,
please write me directly; I prefer that people not send things twice to
the list address. My address is at the bottom of LO msgs. ...Rick]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Giroux
> Sent: Monday, February 02, 1998 11:38 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Ideal People Management Plan LO16767
> Replying to Don Dwiggins about P-CMM...
> Our company was assessed against the P-CMM in fall `97. I had the
> priviledge to be part
> of the assessment team, which was led by Bill Curtis. I understand the
> assessment was the last one done with the draft version of the model,
> which should be now officially released.
> The basic assumption behind the model is that if a company wants to
> progress in maturity, it has to make sure the foundations are solid.
> For example, if a company wants to adopt a team-based organization,
> chances of success are higher if the basic management practices (like
> staffing, performance management, communications...) are sound, in
> place, and working well.
> I believe the approach suggested by the P-CMM model has a lot of value
> in the sense it provides a framework for improvement of management
> practices. It is also (once the decision has been made to improve
> based on the model) a good communication tool to show what are the
> company long-term expectations in terms of management. Nowhere,
> however, does the model prescribe how things should be done. It rather
> looks at the what.
> For example, it doesn't say how to do performance management (to take
> a controversial subject), just that it should be done...
> At this point, we could question the descriptions and the contents of
> the higher levels of maturity (the model is very young, and it needs
> much more testing and improvement), but since most organizations are
> today level 1 (Initial Level - "inconsistent practices accross the
> organization"), it is pretty hard to imagine what life would be like
> in level 5 organizations (Optimizing Level - "continuous focus on
> improving individual competencies and finding innovative ways to
> improve workforce motivation and capability"). As Bill Curtis pointed
> out, the model will be improved as they witness more organizations in
> the higher levels of maturity.
> BTW, our organization was the 7th assessed with the P-CMM model, the
> first outside US, and we were found to be at level one.....
> Christian Giroux,
> Manager - Strategic Projects
> Ericsson Research Inc.
> Montrial.


Christian Giroux <>

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