Meaning of xx-disciplinary? LO16859

Yonat Sharon (
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 09:27:23 +0200

Replying to LO16816 --

Hasan Zareei wrote:
> If it possible , explain the following phrases , please,

Let me try the first three:

> Inter-disciplinary

An inter-disciplinary field is not contained within any of the established
disciplines. Today's inter-disciplinary fields may become tomorrow's

For example, the field of brain-research today is inter-disciplinary. It
touches psychology, physiology, computer science and other disciplines,
but it is not totally contained in any of them.

However, many people use "inter-disciplinary" when they actually mean

> multi-disciplinary

Requiring several disciplines.

For example, developing medical equipment may require expertise in
medical fields, physics and engineering.

> cross-disciplinary

Relevant/applicable to many disciplines.

For example, patterns are cross-disciplinary (see explanation of this
term at

> Best regards,
> Hasan

Shalom from Israel!


Have fun, Yonat.

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