Will computers give us mastery over information? LO16928

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:38:52

Replying to LO16885 --

He is right on target. I often find my clients drowning is a sea of
information but devoid of knowledge unable to act.

"Computers are useless they only give the answer." Pablo Piccaso


At 07:32 AM 2/6/98 -0500, you wrote:

>I would be very interested in the group's responses to the following
>quotation from an article I came across by Stephen Talbott. The URL for
>the article is provided, but before you read the entire thing I'd like to
>get your gut responses.
>J.B. Bryant

Eugene Taurman
interLinx ilx@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~ilx

What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs 23 Ch7


Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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