Remember that the "right" way to put your sig at the bottom of msgs is
For the benefit of many, I offer the following tip and apologize for
crosspostings. DD
On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, You wrote:
> I've noticed that your signature includes your email address in such a way
> that I can click on it and the reply form is all set.
> Yours is the only postings I've seen this--you clever communicator, you!
> How do you do it?
Changing your address in your sigfile to the form does the trick. I don't know if it works
when embedded in the text of a sentence or if it has to be at the start of
a line stand-alone like
If the either of these examples is highlighted or colored in your mail
reading program, you can then double click on the highlighted or colored
text to initiate an e-mail to that address. I would think this would be
particularly useful to those who get digests.
Hey, glad to know that two degrees in communication are paying off. ;]
Great Optimism,
Dutch Driver
Abilene, TX
Hm. Telephone: 915.698.7217
[Host's Further Note: Dutch, if you'll add the line with
hyphen-hyphen-space, then the duplicate "sig" below won't be added to your
msgs when they are distributed on the LO list. ...Rick]
--Dutch Driver <>
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