The advantages of cultural difference LO17008

Chun-an Zhang (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 11:39:19 -0500

Dear Organlearners,

When people talk about cross-cultural management, cultural difference is a
big problem. They develop a number of training programs to enhance
awareness of cultural difference and reduce the destructive impact of
cultural difference. I have been wondering what the positive effects of
cultural difference are, in addition to mutual learning, creativity,
problem-solving etc( If they are). Is there an issue of fit between
personal value and cultural value?

Here I refer to cultural difference as national culture, not just racial
culture within a country. Is there this kind of possibility that an given
American is more suitable to work in Europe, or a Japanese manager has a
better performance when he works in a U.S. based company.

My purpose is to know the advantages of cultural differences, and then
seek ways to make the most use of these advantages. Can anybody there give
me some ideas, thoughts, suggestions, comments about that?

Your response is highly appreciated!



Chun-an Zhang <>

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