In a message dated 2/14/98 5:35:41 AM, you wrote:
>My guess is that the teams without leaders that didn't function well were
>affected by non-team players, and a majority of them at that.
My experience is that teams without a defined task and leadership function
don't function much at all! Team players or not, the structure of the
group in terms of task and authority are critical components to successful
outcomes, unless the actions of the team are strictly dependent on the
serial performance by the team members and no substantive interaction is
required to get the job done.
>My guess is
>also that the teams that DID succeed WITH leaders did so in spite of them,
>and perhaps not as fully as they might have otherwise.
>I am not saying that no team can succeed with a leader nor all teams
>succeed without them. I am saying that the most effective teams will
>succeed either without or in spite of them.
My experience again is that effective teams without an integrated
leadership function which usually means a defined leadership role with a
person authorized into that role by the membership don't exist.
Marvin H. Berman, Ph.D., Principal
Organizational Systems Consulting
100 West Evergreen Ave.
Chestnut Hill, PA 19118
215-242-9002 voice
215-248-0617 fax
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