Rol Fessenden writes:
>I have 22 teams, some with leaders, and some without
>leaders. Among these, there are teams with leaders that function very
>well, and teams without leaders that also function very well.
I'm wondering if you mean that these teams have no traditional
hierarchical *authority* leaders. In my experience, all teams have
leaders, usually multiple ones, based on expertise, experience, and a
variety of other "leadership" traits. I've never seen a team without any
"leaders" at all.
And, I'd posit that the best teams are those where leadership shifts,
depending on the task at hand.
--Jessica Lipnack <> The Networking Institute, Inc., 505 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA 02165 USA Tel: 617/965-3340; Fax: 617/965-2341; Web page:
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