I'm looking for a "getting started" or "icebreaker" type exercise to
be used at a leadership conference. The focus of the conference is to
create a sense of connection and alignment. The divisions and
departments of our bank have long worked in independent silos. We're
looking to create a sense of unified direction. Ideally, the exercise
will be more than the usual introductions and instead allow the
participants to experience an "ah ha"...a collective understanding of
the need to be aligned and moving together. There will be
approximately 125 participants, representing the top third of our
Dave, here is a modification of something I have used recently. I
would suggest that you gather six to ten quotations that relate to the
issues of "unity, connection, alignment, and/or interdendence." You would
read these various quotes (might also have them projected on a screen
and/or have the quotes on a sheet for each person to have.) aloud, pausing
briefly between quotes. After reading all quotes, then ask the
participants to think of other sayings, quotes, or a statement of their
philosophy realting to "unity, connection, alignment, and/or
interdendence." Then, assuming they are seated at tables, ask them to
share theirs, one-at-a-time in a round robin fashion. Each person speaks
in turn without question, interruption, or comment. After all have had
the opportunity to speak, then conversation aaround the topic is
This could be followed-up with a task such as "As you think about
organizational alignment, what are advantages to organizations that are
aligned? What are disadvantages?
Good luck
David Wilkinson
School Improvement Specialist
Des Moines Public Schools (IA)
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