Rol asked concerning team organization "Is there any speculation on what
are the critical determinants of success?"
and Ed Brenegar replied with a list of attributes. I'd like to offer four
conditions that must be in place.
First, every member of the team must understand what they are expected to
accomplish. They should have a mutually understood mission.
Second, every member of the team must have some level of buy in for the
team's mission. This can be as little as 'it what my boss wants' to 'this
is my life's most important goal.'
Third, the team must perceive that they have the authority, power, and
probability to achieve the mission.
Fourth, each member of the team must respect the capability of each other
member to contribute to the team's work. They don't have to like each
other (albeit it helps if they like each other).
One role of leadership is to establish these conditions for and with the
team and to strengthen them as the project proceeds. It is one of the fun
--Bill Hobler
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