Employee Ranking Systems LO17063

Richard Goodale (fc45@dial.pipex.com)
Tue, 17 Feb 98 13:15:15 GMT

Responding to LO17046


Thanks for the pointers to the organsations that have scrapped traditional
rating/ranking systems. I look forward to hearing more on this.

You concluded:

> However, I do believe that ranking is a very rarely a component
> of a company-wide system. I know of no other company than Hewlett
> Packard and Osram Sylvania that use it. (Rol uses the term ranking
> for LL Bean's triage system, but this is more typically called a
> performance rating system.)

FYI, other companies that I know to use (or have used) such systems are:

Microsoft (from someone's previous posting to the LO list) Citicorp (from
published articles and some personal experience) The US Army (from
personal experience)

Also, Osram Sylvania may or may not be a "company-wide" system, as they
are a subsidiary of Siemens, I believe. (Anybody out there know what
Siemens' corporate policy is?)


Richard Goodale

PS--Thanks for starting and continuing to contribute to this thread. It
has made me think, and I have learned a thing or two in the process (not
the least of which was never again to confuse John Galt with Sir Francis



Richard Goodale <fc45@dial.pipex.com>

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