Dear Organlearners
Lee Bloomquist <LBLOOMQUIST/0005099717@MCIMAIL.COM> writes:
> In a previous message AM de Lange wrote of a kind of bifurcation-- its
> relation to destructive and constructive creativity, its relation to an
> interesting set of dualities (things that seem to be defined in terms of
> each other, or which seem to establish the mutual contexts for each
> others' essential meanings), and in addition, gave pertinent examples of
> applying this system to my question.
> Thank you so much for your quite thoughtful reply! I want to ask you more
> about the bifurcation you describe.
Lee, thank you very much.
> Does it hold the potential for a change in thinking?
Yes. For example, it is the very heart beat of a paradigm shift.
> Does it hold the potential for a change in feeling?
Yes. For example, it is the very heart beat of the christian rebirth.
Best wishes
--At de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre for Education University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa email:
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