A Half Day in the Life of a Sub LO17121

Richard C. Holloway (thejournal@thresholds.com)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 23:05:40 -0800

Replying to LO17118 --

great story, Scott--I encourage you to publish this. I think that you've
found the true meaning of chaos in human terms--and reminded me of how boring
it is to become an adult.


Scott Ott wrote:

> Thursday (2/19/98) I had the opportunity to serve as a substitute teacher
> for the first time ever. Normally, I'm a public relations specialist for
> my school district, but no other subs were available. You might want to
> read my somewhat amusing, somewhat tragic account of four hours inside a
> public elementary school classroom.
> Point your browser to...
> http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/Subteach.htm
...snip by your host...

"We think highly of men when we do not know the extent of their capabilities,
for we always suppose that more exists when we only see half." -Marquise de

Thresholds--developing critical skills for living organizations Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Please visit our new website, still at <http://www.thresholds.com/> <mailto:learnshops@thresholds.com>

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