Identifying "Situational Opportunities" LO17215

LonBadgett (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:33:25 EST

Replying to LO17169 --

> There is usually some varying degree of peer or supervisor pressure to
> address an problem once it's visible, yet I don't know of any manager who
> has ever gotten fired because she/he missed an external situational
> opportunity.

Oh I don't know Walter, I can think of several former U.S. Presidents who
were excellent problem solvers but who served only one term because they
and their advisors did not understand or take advantage of such external
situational opportunities as the mood of the public, and rapidly changing
economic conditions. It might also be revealing to examine all the
Generals who have ever lost battles and managers at any business that was
ever nationalized.

I do agree that problem solving and situational awareness are very different
skill sets but I think they can be successfully blended.


Lon Badgett

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