Charisma in Leadership LO17499

John P. Dentico (
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 18:29:26 -0800

Replying to LO17495 --

Replying to Simon Buckingham's Post


If one is prone to giving in to raw debate, then you point is most
probably correct, sad to say. Giving in to force of personality, ahhh now
this you see is the job of the leader him or herself, not to let one out
debate the other. Simply, if the leader is using his or her force of
personality to win the moment, then I would consider them not a leader,
not at least, in the posts I have made depicting the leader of the 21st
Century. It becomes a matter of raw debate over dialogue. Don't you
think? They are industrial in their mindset pure and simple.

And how far does this go in terms of the learning organization? I think
it is defeatist, how can we recreate knowledge if the perspectives of the
members of the team, for example, are not considered? If one is adept at
making a point, wonderful! But the leader's job is to make sure all the
knowledge is used to the greatest extent possible to make a decision.

But we have talked much about the leader, what about the others who
metaphorically sit around the table? Are they followers? Not in a
learning or or the prescriptive notion of what leadership will look like
in the 21st Century.

They are partners or collaborators, they are us and we are they. The
leader should always keep this point in mind.

My Best to you


At 07:36 PM 3/22/98 -0800, you wrote:

>Ed, I would agree that it is difficult for charismatic leaders to subject
>themselves to team processes and scrutiny. But I would say that one of the
>biggest difficulties with teams is that force of personality rather than
>ideas take precedence- politics- personal dynamics unrelated to ideas-
>prevails in collective contexts such as teams. Ideas get watered down or
>rejected depending on who makes them and their rank.
>A person (brander) is based on an inner core of knowledge and experience
>and an outer core of communication and networking. Charismatic leaders are
>great at the later, but the ideal situation is a strong and balanced inner
>and outer core. Charisma without ideas comes across as swarmy to me, ideas
>without charisma makes it difficult to get the message across. The
>combination of both is lovely.....


"John P. Dentico" <>

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