Leadership Definitions LO17877

Peter H. Jones (phj@actrix.gen.nz)
Sun, 26 Apr 1998 14:28:21 +1200

Replying to LO17870 --

Fred Nickols said "If I had to pick a "single most important" aspect of a
good leader, it would probably be "congruence," consistency between words
and deeds." Whilst I think this is very true, I also think leadership is
very much context dependent and subjective. For example:

All I said was "Oh - that's easy!" And all of a sudden everyone was
looking at me. "Go on then" someone was saying. Well I thought it was
easy, but now they're all looking at me for the answer I'd better try and
explain what I mean, perhaps it really is harder than I think it is. So I
told them how I'd done it before, and nobody really argued with me, in
fact they started developing my ideas, except for the woman next to me,
she seems a bit resentful "I doesn't work for me" she said. I asked her
"Well how do you think we should do it?" she seemed to go a bit red, oops
I've embarrassed her. "Tell me what part you don't like about the idea."
So we talked about it and she had some good ideas too, about interacting
with the Sales people. Suddenly our group has to tell the facilitator
what we have come up with, and again everyone looks at me, so I stood up
and told them all what we'd been talking about, and managed to include the
stuff about the Sales people, of course I acknowledge the woman next to me
and she seemed to be pleased I'd done that. We've even become quite
friendly now. I guess I was a leader there, for a while.

Peter H. Jones
Peopletronics Limited, PO Box 30 451, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
phj@actrix.gen.nz http://www.peopletronics.co.nz
Tel. 64 4 569 8875, Fax. 64 4 569 8881


"Peter H. Jones" <phj@actrix.gen.nz>

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