Postings in the latest LO digest remind me of my promise to pursue and
report out on the origins and relationship between the Johari Window and
the Conscious-Unconscious/Competent-Incompetent matrix (also a continuum
when "unfolded").
I tracked down Joseph Luft, creator of the Johari Window, and he confirmed
what I said earlier on that score; namely, that it pertains to aspects of
the self that are known and known to self and to others. Hence, that 2x2
matrix yields the following:
known to self and to others = public
known to self but not to others = private
unknown to self and known to others = blind
unknown to self and unknown to others = unknown
Luft, a professor emeritus at San Francisco State, also confirmed that
he made up the term "Johari" and that the term does indeed derive from
his first name and the first name of a friend (Harrington Ingham).
So much for the Johari Window. Now onto the other matter.
A library search by professional librarians turned up several pages of
articles making use of the scheme about which David Hurst originally
inquired. The oldest of them date back to the 1970s. So far, all
make use of the scheme but, except for one, none cite anything remotely
resembling a seminal source. I did find one citation suggesting a source
and I hope to have that in hand this week. More than...
In the meantime, as I asserted earlier, there is no connection between
Joseph Luft's Johari Window and the growth continuum marked by unconscious
competence at the outset and unconscious competence at the end, with
conscious uncompetence and conscious incompetence marketing the interim
Fred Nickols
The Distance Consulting Company
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