QUANAH Learning Teams Being Formed LO17917

Laureen Quick (laureen@quanah.com)
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 08:44:52 -0700 (MST)

ANNOUNCEMENT--QUANAH Collaborative Learning Teams Now Being Formed

QUANAH is now forming two collaborative learning teams to
focus on issues related to the role of leadership in leading
and developing a learning organization.

A collaborative learning team is an intimate group of people
who meet together via a ninety-minute TELE-Conference twice a
month to collectively inquire about shared questions and concerns
related to a specific topic. Team membership is limited to 12
committed members.

Each collaborative learning team will begin with an initial
TELE-Conference Meeting in which team members conceptualize
and develop the learning focus and format of the team. About
2 weeks after the initial meeting, a TELE-Orientation Meeting
will be held to finalize the team's learning focus and format.
Team learning meetings will begin in June and run through
August. Each team meeting will be hosted and facilitated by
Laureen Quick, QUANAH President & Senior Consultant. At the end
of August, QUANAH will produce and distribute a Summary Paper
outlining the learnings of the team. Additionally, QUANAH may
submit this summary paper for publication in related newsletters
and/or journals. If accepted for publication, all learning
team members will be identified as co-authors.

The two collaborative learning teams now being formed are:

Leadership, Learning & Organizational Change

The focus of this collaborative learning team will be on
the relationship between learning and successful change
efforts within organizations and the role of leadership
in facilitating change through adult learning strategies.

Potential questions to be asked include but are not limited
to the following:

1. What is the link between learning and change?

2. Does an individual's resistance to change essentially
mask a learning disability on the part of the individual?

3. Do ORGANIZATIONS learn and change OR do INDIVIDUALS within
organizations learn and change?

4. If individuals learn in ways that are unique to them, do we
need to lead and manage organizational change initiatives
in ways that take into account the different ways
individuals learn?

5. Can an increased understanding of adult learning theory and
adult learning strategies serve as a leadership tool for
facilitating sustained organizational change?

This team's initial TELE-conference will be held Thursday, May
14th from 2:00-3:30 p.m EST. The Team TELE-Orientation Meeting
will be held Thursday, May 28th from 2:00-3:30 p.m. EST. Team
TELE-Learning Meetings will be held on alternating Thursdays,
June through August from 2:00-3:30 p.m. EST.

Leadership Development Strategies For Learning Organizations

The focus of this collaborative learning team will be on
best practices associated with the development of leaders
within learning organizations.

Potential questions to be asked include but are not limited to the

1. What is a learning organization?

2. What is the role of leadership in a learning organization?

3. Is the role of leadership in a learning organization
significantly different from other types of organizations?

4. How do leaders develop in learning organizations?

5. Does the development of leaders within a learning organization
require unique or non-traditional leadership development
strategies? If no, why not? If yes, what specific leadership
development strategies are essential for the development of
leaders in a learning organization?

This team's initial TELE-Conference will be held Friday, May 15th
from 1:00-2:30 p.m EST. The Team TELE-Orientation Meeting will be
held Friday, May 29th from 1:00-2:30 p.m. EST. Team TELE-Learning
Meetings will be held on alternating Fridays, June through August
from 2:00-3:30 p.m. EST.

The fee for joining one of QUANAH's Collaborative Learning Teams
is $225.00 and can be paid by check or credit card. Additionally,
please note, team members will incur long-distance telephone
charges associated with the bi-weekly TELE-Conferences.

To register, please complete the Registration Form below and
send payment to QUANAH at:

1657 E. Highgate Court
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Fax: 1-208-939-1530

For more information, please contact Laureen Quick at:

E-mail: clt@quanah.com

Collaborative Learning Teams
Registration Form*

Participant Information

Postal Code:

All registrations are subject to a non-refundable registration
fee of $25.00 Cancellations will be accepted prior to June 1st.
Substitutions may be made at any time at no charge. Cancellations
and requests for substitutions should be made in writing and sent
to QUANAH at the address above.

Membership Fees and Payment Information

___Yes, I'd like to join the following Collaborative Learning

_____ Leadership, Learning & Organizational Change

_____ Leadership Development Strategies For Learning

Amount due: $225.00 per learning team

Method of Payment

_____ Check enclosed.
Please make checks payable to QUANAH (no cash accepted).

_____ Charge my: ___American Express ___Mastercard ___Visa

Card #:
Expiration Date (Month/Year):

Name on card:

Signature: __________________________________________

NOTE:Please mail or fax registrations with credit card
payments. QUANAH cannot guarantee the security of
e-mail transactions.

Thank you.

*Membership is subject to space availability and is provided on
a first-come, first served basis. Membership confirmation and
additional participant information will be provided upon


Leadership & Organizational Development Specialists
phone: 208-939-0970
fax: 208-939-1530
mail: 1657 E. Highgate Court, Eagle, Idaho 83616

QUANAH provides a range of individual and organizational
learning opportunities that enhance the effectiveness of
our client organizations through a focus on leadership
development as a force for organizational change.

QUANAH provides a range of leadership development services
directed at both the individual and the organizational level.
Specifically, QUANAH provides:

7 Research On Leadership & Organizational Design & Development Issues
7 Organizational Assessments & Development Planning
7 Consultation On Organizational Design & Change Management
7 360-Degree Feedback & Performance Coaching For Leaders
7 Action Learning Programs For Senior & Executive Leaders
7 Leadership Training Programs
7 Leadership Seminars & Conferences


Laureen Quick <laureen@quanah.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>