Essentiality - "identitity-categoricity" (sureness) LO17919

Winfried Dressler (
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 18:47:34 +0100

Replying to LO17823 --

Dear At,

may be I get a clearer picture of this essentiality, when I just go down
your essay and ask a few of the questions I noted with pencil.

>What is disturbing to me is that the categorical identification of a
>racist did not play any role.

What do you mean by "categorical identification"? Do you mean the
definition of the category "racist" in such a way, that one can surely
judge whether a specific identity (person) belongs to that category?

>Furthermore, observe how
>important the last phrase " and thinks and acts accordingly" is to
>the catgoricity of the identification.

What would be an uncategorical identification? Later you discribe partial
identity as uncategorical. Is this just an example or generic?

>The axiom of identity is basic to all mathematics.
(including inverse transformation and isomorphismus)

Pure logic is based on identity and diversity. Identity: A = A, Diversity:
A is not Non-A. In order to establish uniqueness, a third axiom "Tertium
non datur" - B = A and B = Non-A is prohibited. Uniqueness is essential to
the ability to express meaning by means of language in the widest sense. I
feel this to be close to sureness - and to demarkation.

The existence of inverse tansformation, isomorphism, seems to be
reversibility. Are selfreferential pairs the outcome of reversibility? Are
thus future and past not selfreferential only by means of irreversibility
- the second law of thermodynamics or entropy production? Sounds like
entropy production impairing sureness...(I am tapping in the dark).

>Isomorphic transformation are very important because any one labels all its
>inputs in a unique manner to its outputs.
>We make frequently use of isomorphisms to establish categorical identities.

What in the process of labeling is categorical? Labeling by means of
isomorphism is identifying identities by means of other identities. Where
is categoricity here? Labeling "my cat" as a "cat" would be a simple
example of what I understand to be categorical identification, but it is
not isomorph anymore, because there are other cats, which also belong to
the category "cat".

This should be enough for the beginning. A have some duties as a father
tonight. ("I am a father" - partial identification, although I think and
act accordingly, because I am not only a father.)

May be you can see where I stuck.

Liebe Gruesse,


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