Leadership Definitions LO17925

Ed Brenegar (edb3@msn.com)
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 05:47:19 +0100

Replying to LO17920 --

LO listers,
I'd like to offer a simple perspective which might be helpful in this

It occurs to me that when people, in general, they talk about leadership,
that it can be divided into two areas. I think they are different and
both exist in parallel. The first is positional leadership, or leadership
which is designated within an organizational hierarchy. It carries
titles, responsibilities, etc. The second is the leadership of
relationships. This form can be how the first is conducted, or not. It
is also how each person within an organization can function as a leader.
The definition which I was taught years ago sums this up: A leader is a
Person who Influences People to Accomplish a Purpose. Everybody can
function in this capacity. But not everyone be in a Positional Leadership
role of authority in the traditional sense. I would also say that the
Leadership of Relationships is how collaborative leadership, or leadership
of teams functions.

BTW, I think this is a great thread.

Ed Brenegar
Leadership Resources
Building Communities of Leadership


"Ed Brenegar" <edb3@msn.com>

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