Competing, cooperating and morality LO18291

Roxanne Abbas (
Sun, 7 Jun 1998 16:22:36 -0500

Replying to LO18268 --

Rol, in your recent LO message, you said:

"Behaviorally-that means without trying to deal with subtle distinctions
in definitions-this is how Doc, Roxanne, and Ben seem to approach life.
Compromise and cooperate wherever possible, but don't give an inch on
closely held values. Personally, I believe this is the highest form of
behavior, and I admire it in all people who display it."

Yes, this is certainly the behavior that I strive to display. I believe
that each of us is greatly influenced by the people we associate with.
And by regularly associating with, and participating in, soul-searching
dialogues like we often do on the LO list, we learn from and grow with
these associates. I'm very happy that you are there to learn from and
grow with.


Roxanne Abbas

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