Creating a Learning Environment LO18402
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 10:56:36 EDT

Replying to LO18306 --

>I am seeking information and resources that will assist me in moving the
>organization from a >service excellence culture to a parallel training
>excellence culture. Our strategic vision is to build a >world class
>training culture. While employees are very valued and supported,
>currently, training >takes a low priority due to heavy workload and
>service excellence efforts...."what ever it takes to >get the job done
>for the client"

1. Don't call it training, call it something like "client preparation",
"excellence prerequisite", or "job additive".

2. Insure that the entrepreneur running the company understands that
training is only a tool and must still be used in the right way at the
right time and place.

3. Avoid creating any impression that training is remedial.

Lon Badgett

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