Rick wrote
>Alas, David Ogilvie's Confessions of an Advertizing Man is out of print.
"Confessions of an Advertising Man (I Don't Know What This Means)"
by David Ogilvy is available as a pricey ($60) audio tape put out
by Careertapes Enterprises (ASIN: 0942563042). [via Amazon.com].
Charlie Wankel
St. John's University--New York City
[Host's Note: Yes, I saw that, but I fear it might be a new book, written
ten years after the one I enjoyed. Here's a book link, presented in
association with Amazon.com
Purchases made using this link will result in commissions that help
cover the costs of learning-org. ...Rick]
--"Charles Wankel" <cxx@bellatlantic.net>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>