Effective Teams LO18453

Martin Silcock (msilcock@wagstaffs.com)
19 Jun 98 11:04:51 +0000

Replying to LO18416 --

I found Bill Harris's advice and others in this thread on building teams
very useful and timely. I myself am participating in the formation of a
completely new management team and we are all needing to learn how to make
it highly effective.

An allied issue I am interested in exploring is how the openness and
mutual learning style can be applied to customer-supplier type

The new consultancy type organisation I am helping to define is currently
developing its core-ideology (a la Porras 's - visionary Companies)

An area we are particularly keen to develop is a strong and close affinity
or rapport with our Clients/corporate customers at organisationl and
individual levels. Some questions have started to arise that others out
there mya have a perspective on .

How do you overcome the tendency for an adversarial win-lose to a win-win
attitude and way of working to create an effective supplier-client team?

What changes in behaviour need learning to bring this about? (especially
in meetings)

Any thoughts (maybe under a new thread?)

Kind Regards

Martin Silcock

PS- as you will see I am no longer Flying Solo (following job change from
Wedgwood), as I believe I have found (or at least can help create) some
potential friends and like-minded learners with which to flock!


Martin Silcock <msilcock@wagstaffs.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>