> >How does your organization use systems thinking to handle ongoing
> >challenges?
> Our firm has spent a lot of time skilling people in systems thinking tools
> and techniques. We use tools such as stock and flow simulations and
> causal loop diagrams to investigate emerging issues and identify leverage.
> We also use a series of tools that we call systems design tools to
> actually go about designing effective solutions once we identify leveraged
> options. Some of these design tools come from information systems
> analysis and cross over nicely into non-technical applications.
> Beyond this, we are active in using and teaching the same tools with our
> clients, who are usually in the midst of organizational transformation.
> We've used these tools to identify the sources of workload problems,
> explore team dynamics problems, plan projects, and identify leveraged
> applications of information technology. The techniques work very well,
> and both our staff and our consultants find them very useful.
Hello Jason !
After reading your mail I became *very* interested in the kind of
system thinking tools Quantum Solutions use.
I have read very much about system theory (Maturana,Luhmann and
cybernetics) and I am planning now my PhD-Thesis about system thinking
in learning organizations.
Most of my techniques about this great topic I learned in my trainings
in systemic (family) therapy like circular asking or sculpture
composition. Could you tell more about your tools ? Can your recommend
literature or www-pages ?
all the best,
--Ragnar Heil <Ragnar.Heil@urz.uni-heidelberg.de>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>