Gray Southon (gsouthon@ozemail.com.au)
Sat, 04 Jul 1998 11:11:27 +1000

Replying to LO18544 --

What can be the meaning of 56 management competencies? Each one is complex,
multi-faceted and in many cases context dependent.

Are we going to run 56 different courses, have 56 different test systems,
or think we can get by with 56 check boxes?

Or should be look at a more integrative, holistic approach - e.g Eccles and
Nohria - identified RHETORIC, ACTION & IDENTITY as the core components (in
Beyond the Hype, Harvard Business Review)


Gray Southon


Gray Southon <gsouthon@ozemail.com.au>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>