Looking for CKO's or VP's Knowledge Management LO18779

Walter Derzko (wderzko@pathcom.com)
Sun, 2 Aug 1998 10:44:01 -0700

I'm looking for CKO's or Director /VP's Knowledge Management

I'm trying to assemble a list of Chief Knowledge Officers(CKO's) or
Director.VP's of Knowledge Management for a college-level course
on Knowledge Management. I'm trying to establish contacts to do joint
student-corporate projects. While I'd prefer to focus on Canada or North
America, all replies from around the world are welcome.(since students can
stay in touch via email)

If you have any contacts in other firms or if your firm has a CKO position
or is planning to create one over the next year, please forward the contact
information (name, firm, tel, email etc) to me. All responses will be kept
confidential and not re-mailed or forwarded to anyone.

Thanks in advance for your help

Walter Derzko
Director Brain Space
(formerly the Idea Lab at
the Design Exchange)
(416) 588-1122


"Walter Derzko" <wderzko@pathcom.com>

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