PEGASUS Keynote: Jerry Porras LO18817

Richard Karash (
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 22:44:07 -0400 (EDT)

[This is the first in a series of short msgs to introduce the keynote
speakers at the Pegasus Conference. I hope we'll get some discussion here
on the keynoter's work and/or their topic.]

Porras' Topic: Building Lasting Organizational Communities

Pegasus brochure and web site say:

Accelerating change dominates both our culture and our organizations.
What principles should managers follow as they attempt to guide their
organizations into tomorrow? The best answers may come from the
past--some of our oldest and most widely admired organizations
navigated through increasingly turbulent waters by preserving their
core ideology while at the same time stimulating broad change. These
two principles, in concert with leadership that builds organizational
capability and a systems structure that optimizes organizational
behavior, provide the keys to lasting success. Jerry Porras shares the
results of a six-year study of great, enduring companies and explores
how the principles that guided them can help build lasting and highly
successful organizational communities.

Jerry Porras is the Lane Professor of Organizational Behavior and
Change at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. He has directed its
Executive Program in Leading and Managing Change since 1982 and is
co-author of the best-seller, Built to Last: Successful Habits of
Visionary Companies. He lectures throughout the world on the
principles that have guided many of America's premier companies for
over 100 years.
--- end of quote from Pegasus ---

For those familiar with Jerry Porras work and writings...

- What place does this work have in the org learning field?
- Has it been useful to you?
- If you were attending the confrence, what would you hope to have him
talk about?

-- Rick

      Richard Karash ("Rick")    |  <>
  Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer  |     email:
"Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List
(617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 |   <>

PEGASUS Extended Virtual Conference

1998 Conventional Conference, San Francisco, Sept 16-18, contact Pegasus Communications 781-398-9700 or conf fax 781-894-7079 or

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