>my impression is that the LO community has not
>seriously addressed organizational level learning because of the focus on
>creating environments that nurture individual learning.
I too disagree with this statement. However there does seem to be a bias
towards the softer, individual issues within org learning. To pick up on
Rick's comment, it strikes me that it is in these softer areas that OL has
been more successful. Perhaps this is because so many people find it
difficult to apply such things as systems diagrammes in any meaningful way
across their organisation.They find it difficult to make the investment in
intellect and time. This is probably particularly so in smaller
organisations - an assumption ;)
By contrast, the Quality school have probably been most successful in the
systems and processes area. Indeed, sometimes their lack of attention to
the people side has led to the downfall of their systems.
My own view is that some people are intrinsically attracted to the people
feel of OL whereas others are attracted to the industrial, process nature
of "Quality".
Paul Foley
--Paul Foley <paul@kynesis.co.uk>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>