economics LO18861

Dale Emery (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 12:51:28 -0700

Replying to LO18851 --


> Another hole in utility theory/economics because of "satisficing"--
> The general idea of the received theory is that individuals act in their
> own best interests.
> Which implicitly assumes that individuals KNOW their own best interests.

I use a slight modification of the theory, which patches this hole for
me: Individuals act in what they perceive to be their best interests.

As you point out, we do not always know our own best interest. Once I get
what I thought I wanted, I may find out that I don't value it as much as I
thought I would. Every "three wishes" children's story makes that point.

Even if I could know what is in my best interest, that wouldn't guarantee
that I could achieve my best interest. Sometimes the things I do don't
have the results I expected.

> So I wonder what the observable differences might be between economies (or
> organizations) where one, compared to the others, has a greater (or
> lesser) number of individuals who really know what's in their own best
> interests.

Happiness is the best measure I know, though it doesn't meet your
"observable" criterion. I may have indirect ways of knowing whether
someone else is happy, but I can directly observe happiness only in
myself. Maybe that's a good thing, because reminds me not to fall into
the trap of believing I can know what is in anyone else's best interest.



Dale H. Emery -- Collaborative Consultant High Performance for Software Development Projects E-mail: Web:

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