Intro -- Shyamal Gupta LO18866

Shyamal Gupta (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:40:50 +0500

Hi All,

I'm from Calcutta, India and glad to have joined this list.

Am not terribly familiar with the details of the concept of Learning
Organisations, but have been strongly involved with the notion of
life-long continuous learning for a long time now. The little I do know
about the LO concept seems to indicate I'm not in the wrong place here in
this list.

Have been involved, as an independent HR Consultant, with the issue of
addling the strong "learning" focus in business and other systems. And
like to learn more about this.

Have been in the field of HR since 1973, and am currently an independent
Consultant, as well as Professor of Organisation Behaviour in the MBA
programme at the Institute of Business Management, Jadavpur University,
Calcutta. And a visiting Faculty member at various other business schools.

Am also an independent Consultant in HR and General Management, having
been in the field since 1973.

Have been fortunate enough to have extensive formal training and exposure
for application in the field of Human Resources -- some from MBA
education, some from the Group Relations Training Programme of the
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, and quite a lot from the
Indian philosophies of Yoga and Samkhya.

Also have worked with a pretty large number of (mainly large)
organisations of India and (some of) US/Britain. Both formally and

Current areas of interest are developmental work (including
Institution-Building), internal and external orgn./business strategy, and
organisation structure and design.

Hope to be able to participate and learn fruitfully in this list.

Best wishes.

Shyamal Gupta
HRD & General Management Services
25D, Selimpore Road, Calcutta 700 031. INDIA
Voice/Fax : 91-33-4736164
E-Mail :

[Host's Note: Welcome, Shyamal! ...Rick]


Shyamal Gupta <>

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