Ben says:
>Organized religion, however, is in a much more difficult position than a
>business. They propose to speak for "God" and therefore have claim "on
>the truth." To change with the times - - which they all have to do - - is
>a tacit declaration that God is not omniscient (assuming God even
>exists). If they are lead and directed by God then their way would be
>_the_ way; since that isn't true (historically this has not been the
>case) then their authority and the legitimacy of their beliefs are
>suspect and questioned by rational people.
I am a Minister in the Baptist Faith, and I agree with what you say.
However, I do not think you go far enough. I do not find in the Holy
Bible ANYTHING that says I speak for God. That is a human thing. I think
it was Voltaire that said "God made man in his image, and man has
reciprocated the deed and made God in man's image." (My translation)
This is the problem you speak of. Jesus, who is the focal point of the
Holy Bible, says we should "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and
your neighbor as yourself. This is the first and greatest commandment."
We seem to have forgotten that. And that causes great pain to all
>The bottom line for both organizations and religions is that what they
>believe in, and how those beliefs are translated into day-to-day
>activity, must make sense; they must be rational; they must be logical.
>And that, I think, makes the world a much better place.
The principle we seem to forget is that _people_ are our greatest asset.
And if that is truth, we _must_ develop people.
In over 25 years in Youth Ministry, I have seen some grow up to be great
leaders, some die young, some commit suicide, some commit murder, some
go to prison, etc. However, they _all_ grew. This is the same with all
people. We all grow.
So now the question becomes: _What_ will they grow into? Not, whether
or not they _will_ grow, as we seem to be asking in both religions and
The things I believe are true must be translated into day-to-day
activities. If not, how can we use them in our lives daily?
Religion is not a once-in-a-while thing. It is a lifestyle. It is
something we must do every day. We must live it. And we must allow
people to decide where they want to go and what they want to do, even if
I think their beliefs are wrong. (this deals with religious beliefs,
not murdering/robbing people)
Obstacles are those things we see when we take our eyes off the Goal.
--"Guinn, David I" <>
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