Qualitative research question LO18878

Dennis Keibler (djkeib01@homer.louisville.edu)
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:22:08 -0500

Replying to LO18850 --

Brock Vodden wrote in LO18850:

> I am looking for a coding or notation system which can be used to aid me
> in the analysis of extensive notes taken in interviews.
> ...snip...
> I am working on a social research project ...(and)...
> I am looking for sources of systems which can help me encode contributions
> recorded in my notes ...

Dale Emery and our Host replied in part with:
> The Ethnographic Interview by James P. Spradley, $45.50
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0030444969/learningorg

Another source for research methods and evaluation books in this area is
Sage Publications (http://www.sagepub.com/sagepage/BOOKS.HTM). They offer
a multitude of books on topics focused on research in the social sciences,
as well as books on corporations, organizations, and research techniques.
Many are rather technical but most are highly regarded. I have not read
it yet myself, but I know _Basics Of Qualitative Research_, 2nd ed. By
Anselm Strauss & Juliet Corbin, has several chapters on coding.

> We have completed extensive
> surveys and most of the quantitative data is in. The final data collection
> phase is my next task.

And just FWIW, you might want to consult with your statistician as soon as
you can. There are professionals out there who have devoted their careers
to answering questions like yours, and most of the ones I know enjoy
working on such projects. A good statistician can help you early in the
design phase so that your data collection is usable and efficient and your
results will have power and significance.

Good luck with the research.



|||||...................................................||||| |||| Dennis Keibler | HSC Biostatistics Center |||| ||| University of Louisville | Louisville, KY ||| || djkeib01@homer.louisville.edu || | http://www.louisville.edu/~djkeib01 | *****************************************************

[Host's Note: In association with Amazon.com, Strauss & Corbin, out of stock... but here are the links: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0803932510/learningorg (paper) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0803932502/learningorg (hard) ...Rick]

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