Yes, but does LO work? LO18896
Paul Foley (
Wed, 19 Aug 98 18:39:39 +0100
I love many of the interchanges on here and I'm right into the LO
philosophy as a good thing. However I am constantly faced with the
question, "Sounds good but does it really work?" The Why a Learning
Organisation collage on the web pages gives lots of good philosophical /
global reasons. However it would be nice to put together a list of hard
examples on which we could all draw to preach to the unconverted.
[Host's Note: The "Why a Learning Organization" collage is at
Would others find this useful? If so, I'd be happy to throw in some
examples of success with LO practices (it may be necessary to change the
names for client confidentiality).
Paul Foley
Paul Foley <>
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