From Learning to Teaching Organization LO18931
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 20:17:23 -0400

I am not sure how many of you saw the recent article in ASTD's Training
and Development magazine on the Teaching Organization. The essence of
this article is that LOs should be seeking to become TOs (Teaching
Organizations), where strategic knowledge of leaders is systematically
taught to aspiring leaders and managers. GE and other leading companies
have institutionalized this by having top management including CEO Jack
Welch regularly participate in training programs. This seems to be the
next step in the evolution of learning organizations.

Working on this basic idea of teaching knowledge across organizations, my
company Socrates ( has been developing a knowledge
system where expert knowledge can be taught to managers by other managers
on a continuing basis over the Internet. Each expert can create their own
online course and make it available to relevant organizational members is
a systematic sharing system that creates internal "learning communities".

I would like to hear about other companies experiences in becoming
teaching organizations.

Michelle Cooper
Environmental Intelligence, Inc.
Tel: 717- 523-0030; Fax: 717-523-0067
425 Pheasant Ridge Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837


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