Typically, since the 80s, outplacement services nationally have ranged
from the band-aid approach (give them a resume and make the
decision-makers feel good) to a more comprehensive advising and counseling
service (which actually seems to help many people).
Given the changing nature of work, and the ways in which work is organized
and conducted, I am questioning the value of continuing to provide these
types of services (job loss reaction cycle, setting a direction, personal
values, resume, interviewing, Internet, finding openings, creating a spot
for yourself, networking, negotiating, etc). But what would be more
helpful in their place? Do job loss services still serve a purpose? What
changes could and should be made in terms of content?
If you've got some thoughts on this, I would appreciate hearing them. If
you will respond to my email, I will gladly make a summary available to
the LO list. Here are 4 questions I am particularly interested in:
1. What kinds of outplacement, career planning, or job transition
services have you found most helpful in the past? (please add a note as to
the context of this service -- were you a provider, a user, a manager or
decision-maker of an organization using such services?)
2. Do you see a continued need for organizations to provide career
assistance to its members? If so, what form(s) can you envision this
taking (e.g., more internal career centers)? What kind of content seems
most important?
3. Drawing on your own experiences and ideas -- and in light of the more
collaborative, learning-focused or emancipatory nature of work -- what
kinds of job transition assistance will be of most value in the coming
years (hard to say, I know, but take a guess)?
4. Does a work organization have any ethical or moral obligation to
provide assistance to people who involuntarily lose their jobs? Please
explain your thnking a bit...
Thanks for your help!
--Terri A Deems, PhD DAI/WorkLife Design tadeems@aol.com
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>