What are the best assessment tools to determine what skills, attitudes and
abilities applicants need to succeed in the business environment?
Free information (studies, benchmarks,etc) defining the largest/most
common gaps between skills, abilities and attitudes of high school/college
students, and the needs of employers?
School - work programs. What has/has not worked and why?
Please, pardon the cross posting, I would like to receive a wide range of
replies so I'm posting to a wide variety of lists.
Thank you in advance
Christie Mason
[Host's Note: Christie may have very valid reasons for exluding vendor
replies, but others I know are interested in these same questions. Vendor
replies are always OK here on learning-org. Please, no sales pitches, keep
them short, and do provide a pointer to further info. ...Rick]
--"Christie Mason" <clmason@essex1.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>