In a message dated 8/26/98 8:38:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> My dream has been to see something like this among users of the 5th
> Discipline Fieldbook. We all know, I'm sure, that it went to press shy
> several chapters (see the Lost Chapters website at
> ). I would enjoy subscribing to a
> developing Fieldbook, reflecting the learning and development among
> practitioners. In this wonderful web-world of ours, the subscription and
> contributions could all be done through the internet. Now, I know that
> there would be a number of obstacles to this (copyright infringement?
> willingness to share proprietary information?) idea--but thought I'd
> pitch it just the same.
I think this is a great idea to have nothing but a thread in this
discussion group or make another discussion group that we share nothing
but real life examples. There shouldn't be any copyright problems--- we
are the writers. That's the beauty of the internet. We just have to be
open enough not to want to horde anything for self gain thinking we can
perhaps make a buck off it in the future.
Boyd Martin
Greensboro, NC
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