Margaret says:
> Another thought I've had around this thread is that org
> learning and its sometimes philosophical nature might be less about
> "doing"
> per se and more about who we are being that gives rise to our doing.
> When we
> shift our thinking and then "put it in our bodies" through practice so
> that it
> becomes automatic, we are changing both our being and our doing.
Along this line, Covey (Principle Centered Leadership) says we cannot have
a total quality organization until we have total quality people.
(consistent with learning organization/individual learners)
When the hard work of building such people and organizations comes home to
haunt us with rudeness, short-temper, inattentiveness to family or the
grocery clerk, we need to wonder about the difference between being and
becoming and look for the missing links and loops which can bring the two
together and make the learner-teacher-learner universal.
John F. Zavacki <>
--"John Zavacki" <>
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