>Perhaps I'm naive, but I believe this booming US economy
>and the crashing Japanese economy are short-term events. I
>think once the Japanese work through their "planned
>economy" to a more capitalistic economy they will be set to
>boom again in the long term. I may be wrong and hold their
>culture as idealistic. What say others?
I agree that it is wise to assume that every economy will go through
cyclic corrections. The very impact of the Japanese industrial machine on
the US ten years ago is a case in point. Many assumed it was permanent.
Clearly, the lesson learned during that crisis is that nothing is
The ultimate effect of Japanese quality in manufacturing was the near
total loss of US consumer electronics production and the improvement of
quality of US manufactured goods (especially cars). For a positive though
dated article on this topic, please see:
http://OurWorld.CompuServe.Com/HomePages/YTI/na-trans.htm - the essence of
the article is that leadership in content in a natural source of strength
for North America.
I welcome private feedback on the paper. I suspect the thread is a little
outside LO. Cheers...Keith
Keith Cowan
kcowan@orion.GlobalDEN.com (CIS:72212,51)
--"Cowan, Keith" <kcowan@ORION.GLOBALDEN.com>
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