LOs in Higher Ed LO19396

Richard Charles Holloway (learnshops@thresholds.com)
Sat, 03 Oct 1998 22:41:09 -0700

Was: Intro -- Stephanie Ranta LO19388

welcome, Stephanie--

recently a few people on this list have tended to turn the question (that
you've posed) around and asked something like, "why should Michigan State
University learn?"

Realizing that the university is a metasystem containing multitudes of
interconnecting organizations...I would invite you to consider only those
that you're most involved with. Why should they learn? Are they learning
already? What does it mean to be an organization that learns (within the
context of MSU)? Is there any reason to believe that the University isn't

And, finally, (with tongue in cheek, of course) are the concepts
"education" and "learning" possibly mutually exclusive.

walk in peace!

Stephanie A Ranta wrote:

> My name is Stephanie Ranta and I am a graduate student at Michigan State
> University. I've been reading the list with great interest but have
> noticed that very few of the postings have directly related to higher
> education.


Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it."
-George Santayana

Thresholds <http://www.thresholds.com> Meeting Masters <http://www.thresholds.com/masters.html> Richard Charles "Doc" Holloway - P.O. Box 641, Long Beach, WA 98631 Voice 360.642.8487 ICQ# 10849650

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>