You're right.Learning in Universities in individual and even competitive.
More so when grades are based on a curve, which incourages students to
withold information. The must be a way to change this. I once had a course
where all we did was discuss aour previuos class and reflect upon what we
had learned. There was very little structure in this course and no one
qwas really certain of how we were going to be graded. Nobody liked this
course at first, many changed their minds. I loved this course from the
begining. We had to share our knowledge and reflect with others, which
made learningh a group thing. It has been my best course ever and the one
which has taught me the most. I believe that students should ask for this
type of course. The problem is that most of the time this typoe of course
is viewed by students as an easy A.
I hope I made myself clear and forgive me if I didn't and also my spelling
and grammar errors
Best wishes to all
Elke Cristina Sanz Schwab
Caracas, Venezuela
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