With respect to the above post dated 2nd Oct. 98
I thank those who share their perspectives.
I offer mine below to invite for further comments
and critiques
Goal: Serious symptoms of a directionless person!
Fact: TQM
Fact: Personal Vision
Fact: Sphere of Influence
Symptom: An executive joined the Quality department for more than half a year.
Symptom: The organisation though embarks on TQM, does not know how to go about
Symptom: The organisation does not know what to expect from TQM department,
hence there is hardly anything to do for the new executive.
Symptom: In spite of much coaching and counselling from his superior to practice
soft skills on influencing people towards a new culture, the executive still
prefers to do nothing.
Symptom: The executive complains that the management is most inconsiderate
towards him: requesting him to change office 6 times in two years due to
movement of other staff.
Symptom: The executive claims that he is most disturbed and feels frustrated
when asked to change his office again.
Change: Reacting negatively to physical changes imposed on him
Cause: Controlled by external factors - no internal self driving force.
Fix: The executive has all the reasons, rationale, and logic thinking why he is
frustrated by being bullied or not properly respected by some members of the
management - made to move office so often. However such frustration to a large
extent reflects emptiness in the life of the executive. There is no vision, nor
direction, nothing seems worth pursuing in life for the executive. There is no
internal self driving force.
Fix: The executive intelligence capacity (both intellectual and emotional) is
only left with reacting to external stimuli - like unhappy with changing
offices. Although doing "nothing" in office, he can justify that he is
"disturbed" due to many times of changes in offices.
Fix: A person with compelling vision will still excel even if he is made to move
to a storeroom as his office. He then is a real change agent by personal
demonstration of how a vision can be realised, thus creating a positive
influence to his sphere of influence.
Fix: In this respect, it is a great challenge for his superior to be an
effective coach to help him find his own direction and goal in life.
Source: <a href="mailto:andrewwhs@hotmail.com">Andrew
Wong</a>, <a href="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5621"
target="_blank">Web Page</a>
The above is deposited in the Internet Knowledge Database
Outsights http://www.outsghts.com
for sharing with the larger community.
Andrew Wong
Organisation Observer and Thinker
Personal Coach & Organisation Coach
An associate of Outsights
--andreww@petronas.com.my (Andrew Wong Hee Sing)
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>