This comment is directed at:
Looks like you are doing all the right things. One other thing you can do
is "diversify the board." Get people on board from corporate boards and/or
management who are busy and don't have time to even consider "what kind of
cake" to bake. Also, buy and distribute copies of the little speech (from
the Natl. Ctr for Non-profit Boards) entitled "Governance if Governance."
I think Kenneth Dayton of the Dayton-Hudson Corp. wrote it. Although it is
directed at Board-staff relations, in your case the committees and
"volunteer" activity directors are the staff. It fits your case too.
Good luck. Call me to discuss if you wish.
Mr. Lynn E. Elfner
The Ohio Academy of Science
1500 W Third Ave Ste 223
Columbus OH 43212-2817
Outside (614), Phone or FAX toll-free,
if needed,1-800-OHIOSCI
Within (614), Phone or FAX (614) 488-2228
"The MISSION of The Ohio Academy of Science is to foster
curiosity, discovery, and innovation for the benefit of
society." The Academy is a membership-based, volunteer-driven,
not-for-profit membership organization uniting all who value
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