Dear Organlearners,
Leo Minnigh <> writes:
>The story of At is so rich in all these principles that
>I wonder if we recognise them all.
>Let me sample and systemize:
Greetings Leo,
Thank you for the kind words. Your analysis is sharp. You are a fast
learner on irreversible self-organisation. But why? I must tell our fellow
learners that you are a keen student of creativity - knowing that through
your participation on other listservers. Thus the tenet "to learn is to
create" is very applicable to you.
>South Africa is confronted with the problem of
>receiving large numbers of immigrants, as in Europe,
>as in the United States
Leo, you have given us a compassionate analysis of what we may call the
"squatter problem".
If you think carefully about it, it is the exact antithesis of our thread
"Learning by Touring". They are not touring (the becoming), but squatters
(the being), even after having traveled with many hardships. They are not
learning (the becoming), but beggars (the being), even after having fled
from poverty. Why this antithesis? Because they have not experienced that
authentic learning requires "touring of minds, one's own and those of
>How to stop this world wide problem of migrating
>people looking for safety health and richness?
>At gives the clue in his message: diminish the
>differences between origin and destination. Barriers
>(rules, laws and other regulations at frontieres) oceans
>and others have only temporary results. It is like the
>barrier dam in a river: overflow continues with the same
>speed as the original river, and if the barrier bursts, a
>disaster happens. That is the warning of At.
Yes, Leo, I am glad that at least you and another organlearner (in private
email) have taken up my clue.
But note my warning has also two other important facets to it:
* People in the country of origin have to lift themselves
up by becoming a LO. They need people who can
guide them into irreversible self-organisation.
* Travelling to paradise without the learning to make
a living there is fatal to the traveler. Hence paradise
becomes hell for the far majority of squatters.
I have worked from these three warnings to save many a student from the
brink of disaster.
One thing we should never forget. Most of these people
* that they are poor and
* that they have to do something about it.
That is why many of them traveled to become squatters. This is the strong
point (seemingly very week) from which we will have to begin guiding them
because it is their knowledge. Those who have travlled to become
squatters, have managed through this very action to express their tacit
knowledge into formal knowledge. Should we ask them why they are
squatters, they will clearly tell you this.
>At with your permission I will use your story for my
>Panta Rhei book and for the lectures I soon will start
>here at the university.
You are welcome. Your book has a most interesting title. The "panta rhei"
(Greek for "all flow") reminds me of the "fluxes" in "entropy production"
by "force-flux" pairs. The "panta rhei" or entropic fluxes is like the
blood in our body and the entropic forces is like the heart pumping the
blood. Both like "entropy production" keeps us alive.
>Thank you for sharing your tour with us. I was
>shocked as well, I am busy replacing my personal
>shock absorbers.
Well, the really bad shocks (like the monkey carcass in the "butchery") I
absorbed myself and thus did not propagate it through to you. But since
Bruce Jones in LO19537 asked about transmitting diseases from one species
to another, I had to give that shock through in my reply to him.
Best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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