Winfried wrote:
>Increasing disorder is only one aspect of entropy production. If we
>identify entropy with disorder, how shall we name the necessary condition
>for order to emerge? "Feedback and feed forward", "selforganisation", "
>the controller, orderer, improver"? But how does this work? When we try to
>answer this question, we will arrive at the other side of the coin
>"entropy production". It is the same coin! It is by no means
>"anti-entropic", although it definitely is "anti-disorder".
I understand entropy, ultimately, as the even distribution of all
molecules across the universe. A form of nothingness populated by
non-creative entities, the purest form of order, but order with no
purpose. The politically incorrect 'control' which I seek is manipulation
for the summum bonum, descriptive and predictive, explanatory and
In organizational systems, the functional equivalent of an entropic event
is the dissolution of the organization, the closing of the factory, the
conversion of the church or school to a warehouse. The increasing chaos
eventually creates entropy, but the balance of the entropy, the
anti-disorder is order devoid of humanity, cold, flat, emotionless. I
don't like entropy. I cannot save the universe, but it is my mission to
save, improve, enhance, enjoy those communities in which I practice.
Organisms, although ultimately controlled by the behavior of molecules,
are more interesting, organizationally, to me, in their ability/disability
to change allegiance/mind in both Newtonian and quantum fashion.
John Zavacki
--"John Zavacki" <>
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