Systems Thinking vs Belief? LO19788

W.M. Deijmann (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 15:05:28 +0100

Replying to LO19769 --

Replying to: Systems Thinking vs Belief? LO19769

At de Lange wrote in reply to Steve Eskov:

>The only point where I personally differ very much, is the "inner
>judgements". If I understand you and Winfried correctly, "inner
>judgements" refer to judgements which a person makes without letting
>anybody else know about them. This is how I worked for quite some time in
>my life, up to about 1990. I then began to realise that these "inner
>judgements" are just as dangerous to me as "outer judgements" are to
>other people. Today I try to avoid all judgements, inner or outer. I can
>explain with my Systems Thinking why. Basically it boils down to this.
>Each judgement (to which a condemnation is associated) destroys life in a
>lesser or greater degree. I do not want to participate anymore in hurting
>or destroying life as its final outcome.
>Obviously, how can we be sure without judging? This question shows
>just how much judging has taken control of our lives. We can become
>surer without ever having to judge.

I think we have a problem with semantics here. You have misunderstood me
At. A judgement -in my view- is, among other things, a result of a prosess
that connects outer observations with inner thoughts. Both the inner and
outer judgements you describe are indeed dangerous. I prefer to speak of
them as condmenational beliefs. I am just pointing out the awareness and
directing of the PROCESS.

I wont get deeper into it here. There is a paper accessable on my website
that describes completely the judgementprocess I am referring to:
<> Click on the button "Dynamic Judgement Building"
to access the paper. If you want to download it, don't forget to download
it as "source" and don't forget to save the images into the same folder as
the text.

The interesting part in this whole thread and on this list as such is that
I perfectly well understand and agree with At's and other's contributions.
I often agree wholehearted. But what puzzles me is the returning pattern
of increased complexity in all these subjects and threads. The invention
of new 'conceptual frameworks' with supreme high levels of abstractism.
Why? To what purpose? What objective is served? To who's benefit? To be
honest, there is little news on this list. It often is a re-phrasing of
what has been said many hundred times before, in just slightly different
ways or in complete different language and vocabulary, also by me. But
what fascinates me and keeps me reading and contributing to this list is
the fact that it newer stops! I am always amazed that somebody has managed
again to re-phrase the obvious. What it gives me though, is better
understanding, appreciation and respect for the person behind the words.
It also confirms my belief that learning to read and speak a particular
language is unavoidable if one wants to survive, live, and be respected in
a specific culture. But aren't we contributing to a new Babylon if we keep
on inventing new vocabularies to rephrase the obvious?

>I then began to realise that these "innerjudgements" are just as dangerous to
>me as "outer >judgements" are to other people. Today I try to avoid all
>judgements, inner or outer.

Opposite of At, I have stopped ignoring my judgements, I don't avoid them,
I include them in my live. It has saved many a relation because I am aware
of them and because I express them to others. By taking my own
(pre-)judgements serious I open up for acceptance of other judgements
expressed by other persons. By expressing them I give others the
opportunity to correct them, accept them or what ever and vice versa. It
includes taking risks, because I am never sure how they will be received,
like this e-mailmessage.

>Each judgement (to which a condemnation is associated) destroys life in a
>lesser or greater degree. I do not want to participate anymore in hurting
>or destroying life as its final outcome.

I also avoid condemnation at all costs, this is where At , me and anyone
else on this list agree.

Winfried Deijmann


Winfried M. Deijmann - Deijmann & Partners - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artists, Consultants and Facilitators for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events Het Zwanevlot 37, NL 7206 CB Zutphen, The Netherlands <> Phone: +31-(0)575-522076 mobile: +31-(0)654 94 71 27 Homepage: <>

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