Unconscious Competence LO19835

Fri, 13 Nov 1998 10:01:17 -0800

Replying to LO19586 --

Artur F Silva writes:
>> Perhaps unconscious competence is relat4ed to bull headed and closed
>> minded.

> And perhaps no ! Perhaps Uncon Comp is someone that knows that he/she has
> not all~the explanations, and still try to improve and learn; and peraphs
> the con comp stops learnig. After all, they think that they EVERYTHING, as
> some of the Con Com( academics) in this list seem to believe.

Let's try applying At's framework to this model, focusing on the
progression through the quadrants:

U/I -> C/I: This transition happens when force/flux pairs drive a person
away from equilibrium toward a bifurcation, where one can't help
being aware that something is amiss. Assuming that this process
continues, and the essentialities are present, we get:

C/I -> C/C: An emergence occurs, resulting in a new competence that
results in a new, but somewhat shaky, equilibrium.

C/C -> U/C: Through digestive learning, the emergence is "solidified" and
a well-established (automatic, unconscious) equilibrium results.
This lasts until external or internal circumstances cause new
force/flux pairs to arise, when the cycle begins again.

... at least that's my interpretation of how the two models fit together.

The result here is also a spiral, but rather different than Richard
Goodale's, in that it goes through all four quadrants. Like Richard's,
however, the crucial stage is in the NE quadrant (or rather, in getting to
the NE quadrant rather than immerging back into the SW).

Also, rather than being a model of different types of people, as in the
quotes above, it's a model of learning through stages.


Don Dwiggins "All models are false, SEI Information Technology but some are useful" d.l.dwiggins@computer.org -- George Box, "Statistics for Experiments"

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